Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 6, 2015

Top fruits must try in Vietnam

Vietnam is located in tropical zone and famous with so many kinds of fruits. There are ten kinds of fruits not only delicious and popular, but also meet the criteria for export which both foreigners and Vietnamese should try.
If you are in Vietnamespecially in durian season you should try to enjoy it for yourself.It’s easy to find durian in any markets or supermarkets of Viet Nam.The first suggestion is that you should not eat too much. Traditional beliefs say that durian has warming properties. If you eat too much at once it can heat up your body but its taste is so good. Vietnam tours private

Especially if you have any chances to visit Vinh Long, remember to try Durian Ri6. Ri6 durian of the southern province of Vinh Long is praised to be the best durian variety in Vietnam. It is named Ri6 after the name of Mr. Sau Ri, who created this variety in 1990. It has a distinctively bright yellow color, similar to the intense coloration of a Musang King durian in Malaysia. The flesh is thick and fibrous, with a strong egg-flavor that reminds me of many Thai varieties. Halong bay tours Vietnam


If the mighty durian is king, the mangosteen is known as the queen of fruits. The mangosteen's semi-firm exterior shell may not be much to look at, but the soft, delicate flesh of the white interior hooks people on the first bite.

It can’t be denied that Lai Thieu Mangosteen is the best mangosteen in Vietnam with thick peel, white and sweet-and-sour segments made people remember forever. In the feudal time, Mangosteen was compared as a noble fruit and used in rich families as well as offered for Royal Family.

Mangosteen is widely available in juice form. Mangosteen juice products typically include the fruit, rind and pulp of the fruit, which contains compounds called xanthones. Although some research indicate that xanthones may offer certain benefits, the health effects of mangosteen have yet to be extensively studied.
Top fruits must try in Vietnam
Top fruits must try in Vietnam

In Southeast Asia including Viet Nam, mangosteen rind has been used for medicinal purposes for generations. According to many theories, mangosteen rind was used to make a tea for such conditions as diarrhea, bladder infections and gonorrhea. An ointment made from the rind was applied to skin rashes. Proponents claim that mangosteen can also help with the following health problems such as allergies, anxiety, cancer, depression or even high blood pressure. In addition, some proponents suggest that mangosteen may slow the aging process, aid in Alzheimer's prevention, increase energy, preserve eye health, stimulate the immune system, improve bone health and protect against heart disease.

Dragon fruit 3
Officially known as the pitaya, the dragon fruit is actually native to Latin America. It is an extremely beautiful fruit that has dazzling flowers and an intense shape and color. The dragon fruit is usually a dark red color, although some types of this fruit are pink or yellow. The skin of the dragon fruit is a thin rind. The skin is usually covered in scales, and the center of the fruit is made up of a red or white, sweet tasting pulp.

Dragon fruit is generally is a nutritious fruit that is a good source of vitamins and minerals.There are no reported side effects in consuming dragen fruit.Dragon fruit is safe for consumption even by pregnant and breast feeding mothers.

Binh Thuan is a province famous with growing dragon fruit. Binh Thuan’s dragon fruit is one of favorite fruits in some Asian countries like Malaysia, Singapore, China or Vietnam.

Pomelo Fresh Pomelo citrus  Fruit
There are several kinds of pomelo regionally famous for their taste and there are some famous kinds Pomelo in Vietnam like Nam Roi, Phuc Trach pomelo. Green peel pomelo is a specialty of the southern province of Ben Tre.This variety is planted in My Thanh An in Ben Tre city and Mo Cay district.Green peel pomelo won the first prize at a fruit competition held by the Southern Region Institute for Fruit Research.

This fruit is eaten fresh or is use to make juice. The pulp can be use to make salads and the peel is used to make candies; citrus peel is often used for flavoring.Pomelo is really a golden mine of vitamins. The fruit is abundant with vitamin C, beta-carotene as well as the B vitamins. Additionally it is a resource of folic acid which is required for younger ladies to guarantee the health of upcoming baby. Furthermore, pomelo includes a large amount of potassium which is great for our heart. Brand-new research has shown that liminoids present in pomelo as well as other citrus fruits avoid cancer cells from divining much better than chemical medications.

Longan 5
Longan, also known as “dragons eye” (because of a white eye shaped mark on the pit that appears as a pupil in the large eye) are soft and smaller than lychee fruits. They are brown in colour and are referred as little brothers of lychee fruits. Longans whose scientific term is Dimocarpus longan, originated in China and later spread across the globe and is now widely cultivated in Thailand, India and in several other countries of Asia. Longan is available abundantly in the summer season and can be consumed both raw or as dried fruits.

The longan grows in many provinces in the North. There are many varieties of longans. The most renowned variety of longan is the cage longan of Hung Yen Province. There are varieties that have a thick pulp and a very sweet taste called pulp longan. Water longans have a thin watery pulp and a fresh sweet taste. In the South, there is the longan of Chau Thanh (Dong Thap Province), which is fairly renowned. This variety has a watery pulp, a very sweet taste, a perfumed scent, and small black seeds, which is why it is called nhan tieu (pepper grain longan).
The longan is a tropical fruit rich in nutrients. It is used in the preparation of sweet lotus seed soups. A longan that has been rid of its black kernel then dried over a fire is called long nhan (literally: dragon’s eyes); it is one of the tonics used in the recipes of traditional medicine.

Litchi 6
Litchi is a small fruit with a sweet smell and taste, which is available in the summer. It is a small fruit packed with healthy nutrients. It has rough skin outside while contains juicy flesh inside. It is used as medicine in China.

With favorable natural conditions, Luc Ngan hilly gardens are strong in growing fruit trees, making it the country's largest litchi producer.The soil here is very suitable for planting litchis, hence producing fruits with deeply green leaves and round canopies of branches. Especially, bunches of red-ripened litchis with fine skins, very small seeds, much sweet meat, a purely fragrant taste made litchi a great delicacy of Northern Vietnam.Luc Ngan litchi products have been gaining popularity not only across the country but also have been exported to many foreign markets.

Lychee is a highly rich nutrient fruit. It contains a high amount of soluble fiber known as pectin which is beneficial to protect from colon cancer.  It contains a good amount of antioxidants that protect the body from carcinogens. Carcinogens are free radicals that are produced in the body due to oxidative stress. So lychee is effective to protect from cancer, ageing, arthritis and degenerative disease. Also, it is a great source of potassium which is important for maintaining blood pressure. Along with these, it contains a high amount of other nutrients that promotes health.

Mango 7
Mango plants are grown in southern provinces. Mangoes are divided into several kinds, known locally as Xoai Cat, xoai Tuong, xoai Voi, xoai Xiem…Hoa Loc mango is one of the most well known varieties of mango under cultivation in the Mekong river delta, for its aroma and sweetness. Hoa Loc mango has presently grown on large scale, in many provinces of the Mekong river delta like Tien Giang, Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc, Dong Nai, Ba Ria – Vung Tau, Dong Thap, and so on. Mango Transplantation and seedling selection, application of modern techniques are done with, aiming at raising the quality and productivity.

Mango is one of the exotic fruits in the world with great health benefits. Some of the health benefits from mangoes in baby food includes protection of eyesight, fights microbial infections, easily digestible, improvement in brain development and many more.

Rambutan 8
The Rambutan, also known unofficially as Hairy Cherry, comes originally from the Malaysia peninsular, where the name Rambutan came from the Malay word 'rambut' for hair. Today, a lot of rambutan is grown in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta area. The fruit is about 3-4 cm in diameter and has soft fleshy hair over the entire surface. The peel turns from green to yellow to red as the fruit ripens. To eat: Partially cut through the skin or break open with a thumbnail and pull apart. There is a hard seed inside. Once peeled the fruit yields a flesh that is white and firm; the taste is sweet with a touch of acidity and is very refreshing.

Rambutan grows in large bunches on trees that can be as high as 20 m. A rambutan tree has broad foliage and many branches. In the southern provinces, the tree yields fruit at the beginning of the rainy season. Rambutan season lasts until the end of the rainy season, that means from May to October. The most famous rambutan fruit is grown in Binh Hoa Phuoc Village (Long Ho District, Vinh Long Province).

Rambutan fruit contains carbohydrate, protein, fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamin C. This plant can be used as a medicinal fruit and have benefits for health such asReduce Body Fat, Make skin softer or Hair care.

Mandarin orange 9
Mandarin is a group name for a class of oranges with thin, loose peel, which have been dubbed "kid-glove" oranges. The mandarin tree may be much smaller than that of the sweet orange or equal in size, depending on variety.

Mandarin oranges are a popular citrus fruit of the orange family. They are often referred to as tangerines. The fruit is a native of Southeast Asia. It has a thin skin that is easy to peel. This makes it an ideal snack for children. Due to its nutritional benefits, the fruit is widely recognized as ideal for inclusion in a healthy diet. The mandarin is a good source of vitamins A and C. It contains calcium, magnesium and potassium. The fruit is also a good source of dietary fiber.

Ly Nhan has many kinds of sweet and well-smelt mandarin oranges but the best kind is the Quyt Huong (Perfume Mandarin) which has a distinct aroma. Previously, it was usually dedicated to the king. Ly Nhan is a district locating along the bank of the Red River . It has good soil that is advantageous for agricultural development.Unlike mandarins of other localities, the shape of Quyt Ly Nhan  is flattish. Their peels are very crisp, thin and have apricot yellow when ripe. Like oranges peels, mandarins peels have tiny otto which create a distinct perfume of mandarin.

Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 6, 2015

Life of Sapa minorities in Sapa

What are the most attractive thing when you coming to SaPa? The answer of many visitors is to see how local minorities live in Vietnam, and to go on a trekking on the mountains.
People who live in the region still use their traditional clothes (young and old people alike). They also speak their own languages — each tribe speaks it own. The tribe people belong to a different ethnic group than the rest of the Vietnamese people. Travel to Vietnam
Life of Sapa minorities in Sapa
Although tourism is developing fast in the region, many locals still live a very basic life. Most of them spend all day long working on the fields. They sell what their families do not need in one of the weekend markets. And with the money they make, they buy something else. It is what experts call a subsistence economy. No luxuries here. Paradise Cruise Halong
Life of Sapa minorities in Sapa
When trekking to the mountains to see the “real Life” of the ethnic minorities, you can see people belonging to many tribes in the streets of Sapa.
Life of Sapa minorities in Sapa
Life of Sapa minorities in Sapa

Lung Khau Nhin market
Taking place every Thursday, Lung Khau Nhin Market is a small market hiding itself amongst the mountains and forests of the far north Vietnam about 10 km from the border with China.This Lung Khau Nhin is small market but still keeps its originals. The Flower H’mong and Black Dao people will come to this market o every Thursday and bring a lot of things to exchange and sell.
I Lung Khau Nhin market information
Lung Khau Nhin marketAlthough not being so big or famous among visitors as Coc Ly and Can Cau, Lung Khau Nhin market, be side a normal shopping place, play an important role to spiritual life of local ethnic peoples Flower H’mong, Black Zao, Zay, and especially to those who come from very small ethnic groups such as Pa Zi, Tou Zi, Tou Lao who live in small and isolated villages around this corner of the country, come for meeting, socializing…Lung Khau Nhin brings an interesting view into the life of Vietnam hill tribes. As it is for years, weekly market is something important and meaningful to the life of local people who live in remote area. Once getting close to the lovely Flower Hmong, Tay, Dao peoples, you will for sure, feel our land as a place of the specia
It is very ideal when driving toward the market in the early morning via the beautiful beautiful landscape of North west region.

Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 6, 2015

Top 5 Things to do in Danang

Most travellers tend skip Danang on their way to Hoi An however the city is filled with great restaurants, bars and plenty of sights to see to warrant a few days stay. While the city has gone through a surge of tourism of sorts with 5 star resorts popping up along the coast, the city still remains a charming escape from the touristy Old Quarter of Hoi An. We’ve listed our top 5 list of things to do in Danang. Centre Vietnam travel

A windy road on the Hai Van Pass on the road from Danang to Hue.

This windy stretch of road was made famous by Top Gear UK’s Jeremy Clarkson in 2008 when he proclaimed it, “a deserted ribbon of perfection—one of the best coast roads in the world.” While most traffic from Danang to Hue use the Hai Van Tunnel, intrepid motorbike riders willing to throw caution to the wind and head to the twisting switchback filled road will be rewarded with breathtaking views of turquoise waters and lush mountainsides. JAHAN CRUISE

Local insight: Make sure to stop at the top of the pass to see the brick gate built by Emperor Minh Mang in the 19th century.
Top 5 Things to do in Danang
Top 5 Things to do in Danang

A statue of a buddha sits in a lush garden at the Marble Mountains in Danang

A stairway of 156 steps takes you to the summit of Thuy Son mountain which is dotted with pagodas and caves filled with sculptures and engravings dating back to the Cham Empire. If you aren’t interested in taking the staircase, take the elevator for VND30,000. Jasmine Cruise

Local insight: Direct marble extraction is forbidden in the area and all of the marble is shipped in from neighbouring provinces.

A no swimming sign sits on the Danang coastline

One can’t mention Danang without mentioning it’s vast and pristine coastline. My Khe beach is now dominated by a string of 5 star resorts but if you are looking to escape the crowds, head to Red Beach which is generally deserted throughout the day.

Local insight: Those looking to catch a wave should head to Danang during the months of December to February.

The Goddess of Mercy statue sits in the Linh Ung Pagoda in Danang

Standing at 69.7 meters in height, the stark white Goddess of Mercy statue can be seen for miles. Located on the side of Monkey Mountainin the Linh Ung Pagoda, this statue has 17 levels inside, each with 21 Buddha idols.

Local insight:  For stunning vistas of Danang bay, head to Vong Hai Dai street just to the right of the pagoda.

The temples at My Son

Located 69km’s southwest of Danang, this cluster of abandoned Hindu temples are well worth the drive. While not as magnificent as the Angkor temple structures in Cambodia, these ancient ruins of the Champa Kingdom are not to be missed. Nestled in a lush valley, the area is divided into 10 main groups depending on the era or divinity honoured.

Local insight: It can get busy around 9am so try to leave early to miss the crowds.

I hope you enjoyed our top 5 things to do in Danang! Make sure to check back with us for more great travel tips.

Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 6, 2015

7 tourist traps to avoid when traveling in Vietnam

When you travel, especially to a country with the culture, lifestyle and mentality that are absolutely different from yours, sometimes it’s quite hard to avoid different kinds of troubles and traps. Some people even say that Vietnam itself is one big trap for a tourist. But we strongly disagree with it and believe that traveling smart can reduce the risks to the minimum. Read the article to learn about the potential traps (which hopefully, will not happen to you) and figure out how to avoid them! South Vietnam tours

Taxi Scams
Probably, most of the travelers which have visited Vietnam, have some stories connected to taxi services. There’s a lot of traps that may happen to tourists: sometimes the drivers don’t take the passengers where they have to; or they will not agree on the price according to the counter; or they will not give your change back; or even make a few circles on the same street just to have a bigger distance on the counter. In a word – the taxi drivers in Vietnam are very creative when it comes to making a fool of tourists! So choose only reliable taxi services, don’t pay till you reach your destination and be confident, like you know the city perfectly! Image Cruise

Overpriced Bus
When you take a bus in big cities in Vietnam or especially, bus from the airport, there is a chance that when the bus driver understands you are a foreigner, he may charge you a double or even triple price for a ride! The regular price for a bus ticket is between 25,000 – 30,000 VND (about $1), but be ready that the driver can ask you to pay up to 100,000 VND. What is the most funny is that the locals will happily support him and try to persuade you that the price is actual, such a solidarity! SONG XANH CRUISE

No Change
If you are in Vietnam, if you are a tourist and if you pay with a large banknote, most probably, you will hear the answer that there’s no small money to give you a change. It can happen in the markets, bars, even restaurants. That’s why it is better always to have some small banknotes to be able to pay without a change or at least to say the waiter (or seller) that you have it, so it may help to avoid the scamming and save your money.
7 tourist traps to avoid when traveling in Vietnam
7 tourist traps to avoid when traveling in Vietnam

Street Vendors
Whenever you walk in the more or less touristic areas, especially in big cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, lay streets vendors will approach you and offer to buy different stuff – from fruits to souvenirs. The price for a foreigner may even seem low and acceptable, but comparing to regular prices in Vietnam, it may be 10x higher. Why should you pay more if it always possible to go to the stores and markets which are just a little bit far away from the downtown?

Women With Fruits
If you see on the street of Vietnam a woman carrying a yoke, usually with fruits, be careful. It is common for villages and small towns, but for sure not for city centers of Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh. It actually looks beautiful and you will probably want to make a photo of her. So be ready, after that a woman may ask you to pay for a photo, usually it is approximately $4 (50,000 VND). This is one of the popular tourist traps in the country.

Silk Markets And Tailor Shops
Vietnam is famous for its high-quality silk and fine tailors. However, in the towns like Hoi An, which is considered to be one of the best in the industry, there’s such a big number of silk markets and tailor shops, that the chances to become a victim of a cheater. If you are planning to get a new piece of cloth in Vietnam, better make a research and find some trustful and reliable places in advance.

Travel Agents
At the train or bus stations, especially in big cities, you may meet so-called “travel agents”, people who will kindly offer you their help in booking tickets and arranging your trip. If you meet one of them, better go away. Their fees may be not that high, but after all, you may, for example, end up in the 2nd class train, instead of the 1st one, for which you’ve actually paid.