Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 12, 2014

Elephant Race Festival, Dak Lak

If you have a chance to Dak Lak Province in springtime, you should not miss the Elephant Race Festival, normally celebrated in the third lunar month. Attending the festival, you will be lived in the boisterous atmosphere of the echo of gongs and the spectacular performances of the elephants from the Central Highlands forest. Vietnam travel

The Elephant Race Festival is usually held in Don Village or in forests near the Sevepoi River. In preparation for the festive day, people take their elephants to places where they can eat their fill. Apart from grass their food also includes bananas, papayas, sugar canes, corns, sweet potatoes. The elephants are free from hard work to preserve their strength. On the big day, elephants from different villages gather at Don Village. The race track is on even ground, preferably wide enough for ten elephants to stand simultaneously in a line with a length of one to two kilometres. People from near and far in their best and colourful costumes flock to the festival. 3 interesting activities in a Mekong Delta river cruise
Elephant Race Festival, Dak Lak
Elephant Race Festival, Dak Lak

With the signal of of tu va (horns made into musical instruments), the mahouts command their elephants to go to the race track, standing in a row at the starting point. The leading elephant stands in front, whirling his trunk and nodding his head in greeting the spectators. Atop each elephant there are two handlers in traditional costumes for generals. The tu va signals the start of the race and the elephants rush ahead, excited by the sound of the drums, gongs, and cheering from the spectators. Upon seeing the first elephant dashing to the destination, the spectators shout boisterously amidst the echoing sound of drums and gongs. At the end of the race, the winning elephants lift their trunks above their heads to wave to the viewers, walk deliberately flapping their ears gently, gazing through half-closed eyes to receive sugarcane from their viewers. 3 outstanding features of Paradise Cruise Halong Bay
The winning elephant is given a laurel wreath. Like its owner, the elephant expresses its happiness and enjoy the sugar canes and bananas from the festival-goers. After this race, the elephants participate in the competition of swimming across the Serepok River, of tug-of-wars, or throwing balls and playing football. When the race comes to an end, the competing elephants bring back the atmosphere of the festival to their villages. Upon returning to their village, they receive warm welcome from the villagers. Very often, the elephants from Don Village win the prizes as the village has a tradition of training and tending elephants.

The elephant race is the biggest festival in the Central Highlands. Coming here, you will not only feel the martial spirit of the M'nong ethnic people, who are very famous for their bravery and skill in hunting wild elephants, but also the magnificent landscape of the Central Highlands which further stresses the grandiose characters of this traditional festival.

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 12, 2014

Dong Xuan Night Market

Dong Xuan Night Market Dong Xuan is a street market spreading over a surface of 600 square meters covering Dong Xuan and Khoai streets. Approximately fifty businesses are operating the forty stands selling food, artifacts, souvenirs and tour packages among others.  Tours Hanoi to Sapa

Unlike other Hanoi night markets selling agricultural products in Long Bien and Quang Ba, Dong Xuan Night Market has been mainly created for tourists. With its eleven stalls, the brightly lit food zone is the most animated, serving late night guests until early morning. Tours North Vietnam

Here you can find real Hanoi food, as favored by true-blue Hanoians. The dishes might cost a little more than elsewhere but, you have to taste it to believe it, they are truly delicious. A steamy hot dish of Pho cuon  (beef wrapped in long wispy strips of rice vermicelli, served with aromatic herbs and spicy sweet-sour fish sauce) costs a mere VND10.000. Hanoi & Halong Bay 4 days
Dong Xuan Night Market
Dong Xuan Night Market

You might have your curiosity and appetite titillated as you try to choose from a wide selection of exotic Hanoi dishes: fried frog or fish meat pastes, rice and duck meat soup, fried rice, tiet canh (duck blood uncooked, only if you have a brave heart and strong stomach!), rice vermicelli and beef cooked in the south Vietnamese style and even just beefsteak and bread.

In artifact shops on Dong Xuan Street you will find traditional Dong Ho drawings, Bat Trang ceramics, Binh Da embroideries and laces, and sand paintings, the new craze of Hanoi’s young people. For a modest sum of VND2.000 - 9.000 you can choose one of those ‘raw’ pictures with different designs and patterns.

You peel off the sheet of paper and using the multi-colored sand you are provided with, you paint and create your own masterpiece following a model or ‘ad lib’ following your own inspiration or fantasy.

Like other markets (cho) such as Sapa’s Cho Tinh, Nam Dinh’s Cho Vieng, Lang Son’s Cho Ky Lua and Can Tho’s Cho Tay Do, Dong Xuan Night Market has been set up to meet the needs of locals and tourists. Dong Xuan Night Market is only one of Hanoi’s many efforts to develop tourism and attract international visitors.

A CD-ROM and two books on Hanoi, and two annual Tourism festivals are planned to open new paths and boost tourism in Hanoi. The Hanoi Service of Communications and Public Works plans to expand and turn Dong Xuan Night Market into a no-vehicle zone to lure more visitors to the place. Two more no-vehicle zones are being delimited round Sword Lake, along Khay, Trong and Le Thai To streets and along Ngang and Dao streets.

Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 12, 2014

About Mekong Delta

Your trip to Sapa might be incomplete if you miss a trek to cultural villages which have attracted a lot of tourists nationwide by theirs unspoiled landscapes and traditional customs of ethnic minorities living here. Among many villages, ones introduced below are quite famous and worth paying a visit North Vietnam tours

Discover the authenic Mekong delta and cruise the river in comfort !

The Mekong Delta (Vietnamese: đồng bằng sông Cửu Long “Nine Dragon river delta”) is the region in southwestern Vietnam where the Mekong River approaches and empties into the sea through a network of distributaries. The Mekong delta tours region encompasses a large portion of southeastern Vietnam of 39,000 square kilometres (15,000 sq mi). The size of the area covered by water depends on the season.
As all deltas, it receives the bounty of the siltation from the upper Mekong, and as such is a very rich and lush area, covered with rice fields. It produces about half of the total of Vietnam's agricultural output (in fact the delta produces more rice than Korea and Japan altogether), and is the place for timeless sceneries of farmers planting or harvesting rice.
About Mekong Delta
About Mekong Delta

The Mekong splits in Cambodia into two main rivers, the Bassac (Hậu Giang) and the First river (Tiền Giang), then in Vietnam into a more complex system, creating a maze of small canals, rivers and arroyos interspersed with villages and floating markets.

Life in the Mekong Delta revolves much around the river, and all the villages are often accessible by river rather than by road.

The most renowned places in the Mekong Delta are Mỹ Tho and Caí Bè near Ho Chi Minh City, then, more to the heart of the region, Vĩnh Long, Sa Đéc, and Cần Thơ, from where it is possible to reach the remotest confines of the delta, South towards the mangroves and the East-sea, North towards Châu Đốc, or West towards the island of Phú Quốc.

Climate change concerns

Being a low-lying coastal region, the Mekong Delta is particularly susceptible to floods resulting from rises in sea level due to climate change. The Climate Change Research Institute at Can Tho University, in studying the possible consequences of climate change, has predicted that, besides suffering from drought brought on by seasonal decrease in rainfall, many provinces in the Mekong Delta will be flooded by the year 2030. The most serious cases are predicted to be the provinces of Ben Tre and Long An, of which 51% and 49%, respectively, are expected to be flooded if sea levels rise by 1 meter.


The region is famous as a large rice growing area. It produces about half of the total of Vietnam's rice output. Vietnam is the second largest exporter of rice globally after Thailand. In fact, the delta produces more rice than Korea and Japan altogether.

Additionally, the region is home to large aquacultural industry of basa fish, Tra catfish and shrimp, much of which is exported.

The Mekong Delta has recently been dubbed as a 'biological treasure trove'. Over 1,000 new species have been discovered in previously unexplored areas of Mekong Delta, including a species of rat thought to be extinct


Life in the Mekong Delta revolves much around the river, and many of the villages are often accessible by rivers and canals rather than by road.

The region is home to "cai luong", a form of Vietnamese folk opera.  

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 11, 2014

Get around Phu Quoc Island


Most hotels offer bicycle rentals which start from US$1 per day, which can be a great way to adventure around the local area.

We recommend purchasing a face mask before you head off on these longer journeys and take plenty of water. The coastal strip surrounding Phu Quoc makes cycling relatively easy however the island heats up when you get move from the coast . Visit Phu Quoc with South Vietnam tours

Get around Phu Quoc Island
Get around Phu Quoc Island

Motorbike Rental

Renting a motorbike is one of the cheapest ways to discover Phu Quoc Island and motorbikes also provide the best access if you are adventuring out to the more remote beaches and dirt roads beyond the main towns. Mekong & Phu Quoc island

Motorbikes can be rented at many of top end and mid range hotels, or you’ll find local owners outside the hotels and airport very keen to either rent their bikes or even adopt you and guide you around the island. Bikes rental rates will vary depending on the condition of the bike and your bargaining skills, here is guide to prices:

Mekong Off the beaten Path with extension to Cambodia 12 days

Per hour, from around 30,000d

Per day, from US$6-10 dollars a day

Per week, around US$45-50 or less depending if you negotiate any discounts.

Note: since the end of 2007, it is now illegal to ride on a motorbike without wearing a helmet, however local police are generally lenient towards tourists. If you are concerned about your safety, insist on a helmet when renting a motorbike.

Walking / Hiking

The centre of Duong Dong is only a couple hundred meters from the airport, just turn right outside the airport gates and you’ll hit the central market in around 10 minutes. So if you don’t have much luggage, this is definitely the cheapest option. There are also some local hotels across the road from the airport terminal.

The coast surrounding Phu Quoc is relatively flat and allows visitors some very scenic walking.

The mountains on the island range from around 300-600 meters and provide far more strenuous trekking.The National Park in the northern part of Phu Quoc is as yet relatively undeveloped in terms of walking trails and forests can be quiet dense. There are plans to build a walking trail in future to Mount Chua (603m) the highest mountain on Phu Quoc Island.

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 11, 2014

Scuba-Diving in Halong Bay

Halong Bay is a spectacular location for sightseeing in Vietnam. Located in the Gulf of Tonkin, it forms an amazing seascape of limestone pillars along with more than 1,600 islands and islets. Travelers coming to Halong Bay will enjoy not only the boat trip, sea kayaking but also the very scuba diving experience. Scuba diving has been recently opened in Halong Bay making this place a must-sea for underwater lovers. The time from April to December is the most wonderful period for Travellers to join “Halong Bay Scuba Diving”. The temperature of water at this time is from 26-29 celsius degrees. Travel Halong bay

Scuba diving with Halong Voyage – a the special product which no one has done before in Halong bay. Travelers can explore hidden beauty underwater with thousands of splendid coral and fish like sergeant major fish, Clark’s anemone fish. Tourists will see colorful their method survive. Underwater world will make you to feel novel, small and peaceful as come back inside your mother. Tourist will perfect relax and excited to discovery underwater world.  With internationally-licensed, well-trained scuba divers and assistants, we guarantee the safety, papering amenities with friendly and attentive management which make you unforgettable experience. Vietnam tours
Scuba-Diving in Halong Bay
Scuba-Diving in Halong Bay
When tourists snorkel underwater in Halong bay, you will provide useful equipment such as: mask, fins, snorkel, cylinder, exposure suite, compass, regulator…  All facilities are regularly checked and match safety standard. Therefore, it’s unnecessary to worry about your safety.
Some Tips for diving longer and deeper safely

There are a number of techniques to increase the diver's ability to dive deeper and longer:

- Technical diving – diving deeper than 40 meters (130 ft), using mixed gases, and/or entering overhead environments (caves or wrecks)

- Surface supplied diving – use of umbilical gas supply and diving helmets

- Saturation diving – long-term use of underwater habitats under pressure and a gradual release of pressure over several days in a decompression chamber at the end of a dive.

Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 11, 2014

Ha Long Squid Ball

Ha Long Squid Ball- one of the most popular specialties of Quang Ninh has been named in the list of the top 50 recipes of Vietnam, according to the evaluation standard of Vietnamese specialties issued by the Vietnam Guinness Book of Records.

The dried squid ball has a fresh yellow, sweet- smelling and a nice taste
According to a survey’s results in 2012 of the Center for Agricultural Development and Research (under the Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute) in Ha Long city, this traditional dish was discovered in 1946 and was firstly made by Tai Le- a famous chief who served the domestic and international visitors in Hon Gai (during the French colonial period). Hoai Phuong-one of the 3 most well-known squid ball makers in Ha long city, is the one who was taught by Tai Le since 1946 and is now still keeping his old mortar.

Braying is the traditional technique to make the special quality of Ha Long squid ball
To date, Hoai Phuong has over 100 year experience in making squid ball. The owner - Mr. Dang Manh Hiep shared that to be a professional squid ball maker, you must be clever, meticulous, and hardworking. The very first step to make a nice dish of squid ball is selecting the squids. We should choose the squid with fresh and thick carapace on the back with a weight of around 0.8 to 2.0kg.

It is very scrupulous to “operate” the squid, too. We need to omit the bowel and the vesicle, remove all the skin. We should keep the fin on the two sides of the squids because this part would create the crunchy taste after cooked. Then, wash them with the water and slice them into pieces.

If we want the squids to be crunchy and fragrant, we should grind them in a stone mortar by our bare hands. Put the squids into the mortar one by one. It is recommended that we should not make them well kneaded, especially with the fins. In that way, the squid would be stickier and some parts that are not well grinded yet will turn to be very crunchy when you eat. When grinding, add some peppercorns to make them mix steadily with the squid meat because later the squid would stick very hard.

After that, adding some chopped onion, a little bit fish sauce and some spoons of liquid lard and mix them continuously in about 2 minutes.

Depending on the liking of each person, we can create different shapes for the squid ball. However, you should remember to prepare a bowl of water and put a little oil on your hands to prevent them from being sticky with the squid. Using a spoon to take a little squid and then put it in your hands, roll it into a ball and press it.

To fry the squid ball, we should use a sunken pan. Pour the oil into nearly half of the pan. Keep the oil hot, then lower the flame and fry the squid ball. Turn the balls over steadily; keep the flame in a medium level, not too strong, not too weak. When they turn into yellow, take them out and put them on the grill to keep them dry (if not the balls would be very greasy).

Tourists are buying squid ball at Thoan squid ball store.( in Ha Long I Market, Ha Long city)
Squid ball using with sticky rice has already become a famous specialty of the people of Quang Ninh. In Ha Long, there are even chains of street where people specialize in making this dish.

Hiep added that during the tourism season, an average of 70-80 kg of squid ball is sold on regular days and 100kg on peak days. The customers are mainly tourists from Hanoi, Thai Binh, Thai Nguyen...They buy squid ball to give their relatives and friends as a special present from Quang Ninh. Travel to Vietnam

Pham Thi Giang- a tourist from Thai Binh province commented that Ha Long squid ball is a very delicious and unforgettable dish. It can be served with white sticky rice, Cuon cake and fish sauce with pepper. It costs around VND 350,000-370,000/kg.
Ha Long Squid Ball
Ha Long Squid Ball

There are 30 units specialized in making and selling squid ball within Ha Long city; of which 23 units based in Ha Long I market and 7 in Ha Long II market) under a wide range of well-known trademarks such as Thang Hue, Hien Nhung, Tien Chuyen, Kim Thoa, Thoan, Lan Diep, Hoai phuong... Squid ball is also made in hotels, restaurants.... Paradise CruiseJasmine Cruise

It is reported that the Ha Long City People’s Committee is considering and drawing geographical indication for Ha Long squid ball. The promotion Halong squid ball product helps to enhance its competitive advantage in the market, protecting its reputation and prestige. This is a good opportunity to introduce this specialty to the national and international market.

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 10, 2014

Cách phân biệt nhung hươu thật giả

Hàng quý tộc khó kiểm định

Đặc tính của hươu nai giong là chỉ con đực mới mọc sừng. Khi mới mọc, sừng non (thường gọi lộc nhung) có chiều dài khoảng từ 5-20cm, mềm, mặt ngoài phủ đầy lông tơ màu nâu nhạt, phía trong sừng có nhiều mạch máu. Theo ông Lê Tá, một chủ trang trại từng nuôi hươu nai khai thác lộc tại quận 12 (TPHCM) nay đã giải nghệ, nhung hươu đẹp nhất nặng từ 5-6 lạng (500-600gram). Một đời hươu đực trải qua 16-18 lần cắt nhung, mỗi năm cho nhung một lần.

Ông Tá tâm tình: Khi đi mua nhung huou nguyen chat, vì sợ lầm hàng, người sành điệu chỉ mua lộc khi họ được tận mắt chứng kiến cảnh cưa cắt mà thôi. Nhưng không phải ai cũng có kinh nghiệm, thời gian, tiền bạc, sức khỏe để lặn lội hàng chục, thậm chí hàng trăm kilômet đến các trang trại đặng chứng kiến tận mắt cảnh cắt cưa ấy. Điều này đồng nghĩa với việc nhiều người phải mua lộc nhung qua các mối trung gian. Tận dụng cơ hội đó, dân buôn lộc trời ơi thường gả những cặp lộc quá lứa cho khách với giá hàng xịn.

Theo các chuyên gia, lộc nhung tốt là loại mềm, chưa phân yên, nghĩa là khi dùng dao cắt sẽ thái được toàn bộ chứ không đụng xương tảng, không đứt (dấu hiệu chuyển sang sừng).
Cách phân biệt nhung hươu thật giả
Cách phân biệt nhung hươu thật giả

Lương y Đỗ Mạch, ở phố thuốc Hải Thượng Lãn Ông (Q.5, TPHCM) chỉ rõ cách nhận biết giá trị thực tế của lộc nhung hươu, nai. Hươu có lông đen mịn, có đốm, còn nai thì to hơn hươu, lông cứng hơn, có màu xám hoặc nâu. Mùa thu hoạch nhung hươu thường vào tháng 2-3 âm lịch, mùa nhung nai chậm hơn 1-2 tháng sau đó. Nhung nai có màu sẫm, lông nâu, to, nặng và rẻ hơn nhung hươu. Nếu như lộc nhung nai có giá khoảng 5 triệu đồng một kilôgam thì lộc nhung hươu có giá trị hơn, khoảng từ 6-7 triệu đồng. Vấn đề ở chỗ nếu không biết cách nhận biết đâu là nhung hươu, nai thì khách rất dễ bị luộc.

Lương y Mạch tiết lộ xảo thuật làm giả lộc nhung huou tuoi nai của phường gian thương: Bọn gian tạo hình lộc nhung bằng cách nhét tiết lợn cùng xương thỏ băm nhỏ vào da chó, da dê con rồi dùng một loại keo đặc biệt dán chặt. Để chắc ăn, tiếp đó họ sẽ bôi thêm phẩm đỏ hoặc phẩm có màu nâu nhạt đặng xóa vết dán. Thấy cặp nhung đỏ màu tươi rói, nhiều người lao vào mua và… dính đạn.

Lương y Mạch khẳng định: Đây chính là cội nguồn của hiện tượng nhiều con buôn không nuôi hươu nai nhưng nếu khách có nhu cầu bao nhiêu cặp lộc nhung thì họ sẵn sàng đáp ứng trong thời gian ngắn nhất. Do vậy nếu không trực tiếp thấy chủ trang trại cắt lộc thì đừng… xông trận.

Cẩn trọng kẻo mất mạng!

Qua nghiên cứu, cả Đông lẫn Tây y đều đi đến kết luận, lộc nhung có tác dụng giúp người bệnh ngủ ngon, giảm mệt mỏi, tăng sức đề kháng cho cơ thể, giúp vết thương chóng lành và nhất là có tác dụng tốt với các chứng bệnh như tim, nhược năng, bệnh thần kinh thực vật…

Để bán được hàng và bán được với giá cao, nhiều ông bà chủ trang trại hươu nai nhân kết luận đó mạnh miệng tuyên bố thêm, nam-phụ-lão-ấu ai dùng lộc nhung cũng tốt. Người có bệnh thì dùng chữa bệnh, không bệnh thì giúp bồi bổ sức khỏe, ngăn ngừa bệnh tật.

Lại có vị chủ trại cam đoan ai dùng lộc nhung do trang trại mình cung cấp sẽ có nước da láng mịn, mái tóc mượt mà, đàn bà sung mãn, đàn ông thăng hoa. Các chứng bệnh như vô sinh, lao phổ, viêm gan, xơ gan… cũng bị dược tính của lộc nhung đẩy lùi mà dứt tiệt.

Nói đến đây, lương y Mạch lắc đầu: Không chỉ đồn uống rượu ngâm lộc nhung không lo chưa đến chợ đã hết tiền, nhiều ông bà chủ còn tuyên bố chắc nịch uống rượu lộc nhung có sức bắn phá lung tung, bắn chỗ nào là dính con trai chỗ nấy. Một đồn mười, mười đồn trăm, vậy là hình thành trào lưu… nguy hại.

Như lương y Mạch, lương y Hoàng Linh ở nhà thuốc Vạn Xuân cho rằng, lộc nhung có vị ngọt, mặn, có công năng bổ tủy, trợ thận âm…, biết dùng rất tốt cho sức khỏe nhưng nếu lạm dụng sẽ phản tác dụng bởi không phải ai dùng cũng tốt, càng không phải là thuốc tiên chữa bách bệnh.

Lương y Linh cảnh báo: Nhung hươu là chất bổ âm, chỉ dùng tốt với người thận dương không đủ. Những người bị cao huyết áp, có hội chứng âm hư với biểu hiện người gầy, hay có cảm giác sốt về chiều, môi khô, miệng khát, đại tiện táo, tiểu tiện sẻn đỏ… tuyệt đối không được dùng lộc nhung. Người còn trẻ hoặc có sức khỏe bình thường khi dùng lộc nhung phải tiến hành theo dõi tình trạng sức khỏe. Nói chung mọi người không được tùy tiện dùng lộc nhung khi chưa có chỉ định hoặc tham khảo ý kiến của các lương y, bác sĩ. Đã có nhiều trường hợp tự ý sử dụng lộc nhung và sử dụng vô tội vạ dẫn đến hậu quả thương tâm: Toàn thân bị co giật, động huyết, ngực phát nóng, liên tục đổ mồ hôi trộm… để rồi khỏe đâu không thấy, chỉ thấy bệnh tình càng nặng thêm.

Squid fishing on Halong Bay

Night Squid fishing in Halong Bay at night is an interesting activity at which tourists can experience the feeling of being a fisherman. Tourists will have the instruction from local fishermen about how to fish a squid in the sea.
Squid fishing on Halong Bay
Night Squid fishing is the most interesting activity and wonderful pleasure of the night journey on Halong Bay. Tourists are provided with fishing rods and racquets so that they can actively use them to catch squids. Tourists must be excited to clearly see light-drunken shoals of squids lazily hovering around; and, step by step each squid is enticed and picked up, remaining totally fresh and striving convulsively. Especially, during the squid season, it would be common to see large shoals of squids surrounding the cruiser and each tourist may catch an average of 30 squids for each squid fishing night. Read more: Map Halong bay

The squids caught will be used to make dishes for tourists. This is also an ideal time to gaze Halong bay by night. The sea water surface is sparkling with reflected light from cruises anchored on the bay. Foreign tourists are extremely fond of boiled whole squids because when eating, they can enjoy the interesting feeling of ink line breaking out pitch-black in the mouth, splashing all over the face and taking pictures. The tourists eat while singing Karaoke and dancing. In alcohol yeast, everyone becomes enthusiasm and excited singers and dancers. visit North Vietnam tours

Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 10, 2014

Traveling to Can Tho visiting Tay Do night market

Tay Do market is located about 1 kilometer from the center of Can Tho city to the west of Hau River, situated in the Can Tho International Exhibition, this market is a great trading center of the southern provinces of Vietnam as well as the entertainment, tourist attractions.

Traveling to Can Tho visiting Tay Do night market
Traveling to Can Tho visiting Tay Do night market
Traveling to Can Tho visiting Tay Do night market

Although it has operated in recent years, Tay Do night market is considered to be a characteristic of cultural tourism in Can Tho. It has attracted many foreign tourists. Previously, Tay Do market is trading market between regions and countries.
In additon to function of commodity exchange, there are many services:food, entertainment and so on. Due to the scale of operation and the importance so Tay Do is a major trading center of the southern provinces of Vietnam. Visit Tay Do Market with Mekong Eyes cruise

Tay Do night market has architecture in harmony with the surrounding landscape and environment, imbued the southern Vietnam style. Stalls are divided by very scientific, clear, neat. Road of the market is asphalted and wide.

Traveling to Can Tho and visiting Tay Do night market

The products of Tay Do night market is very rich and diverse to meet the needs of residents and visitors in the product selection. In addition to serving the purpose of purchasing goods, Tay Do night market also has new and modern entertainment services such as: video games, outdoor music scene and other entertainment shows. Visit South Vietnam packages

Traveling to Tay Do night market, you will have an enjoyable trip. This aggregate picture portrayed real life, activities of residents in the downstream of the famous MeKong River.

Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 10, 2014

Where to shop in Halong

Shopping is one of the most popular activities when one travels. In Halong Bay, shopping is not about big malls with branded items. Expect a different shopping experience when you are in the area. The following places are a good  starting point: Halong bay cruise
Halong Market

Being constructed and officially operated in 2003, the new Halong Market is one of the most attractive destinations in the city that draw a huge number of local and international tourists coming for shopping. The market is located in the center of Halong City at Bach Dang Street, and considered the largest markets of this coastal city. Products which are exhibited and sold here are diverse in range from normal to luxurious goods and pretty competitive in price. Customers are easy to find anything here, from clothes, accessories, and electrical devices. Food and drinks are also sold in small restaurants in the market. Moreover, this is also one of the places that sell specialties of Halong City, such as dried squid or seafood, with most ensured quality and reasonable price. Halong Market opens all 7 days a week, from 6.00 am to 6.30 pm
Where to shop in Halong
Where to shop in Halong

For various tourists who visit to Halong City, Halong Night Market is a place that they should not miss out. The market is a group of more than a hundred stalls which sell diverse types of products, such as handicrafts, handmade accessories, clothes, and other dispensable items such as swimwear, lotion, or hat. Tourists tend to come to this place for purchasing unique products of the beach city like necklaces made from seashells, snails, wooden small boats, or T-shirt with images of Halong Bay on. And the great things is that sellers here are friendly with advance English skill, so that tourists should not be worry about bargaining, posing, and tourists can have a nice chat with them about this charming city. Halong Night Market opens 7 days a week, from 6.00pm until midnight

Bai Chay Commercial Center

Being established on the base of a minuscule market at Vuon Dao Street, Bai Chay Commercial Center is one of the largest and most modern shopping center in Halong City. Products here are diverse from regular to deluxe goods, and price range is a little bit higher than other markets in the city. However, this extra money is paid for better services, as well as ensured quality of each product.

Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 10, 2014

Western food in Halong Bay

Similar to any other famous tourism cities in the world, besides its delicious local specialties Ha Long has a wide range of Western cuisine dishes to serve the increasing demand from international passengers. Although there are not so many specialized restaurants for Western cuisine like in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, you might find it easy to get your favourite food at most of the high-end restaurants and hotels in Halong bay tours.
For any good meal, appetizers are very important. Luxury restaurants in Ha Long set high priority on the appetizers menu with authentic Western cuisine like Italian ham salad, salmon and squid salad, fried rice ball, or vegetable salad and fried potato. Read more: Vspirit cruise Halong bay

Pizza and pasta are the quintessence of Italian gastronomy that haven been loved by people all over the world. In Ha Long, these dishes are no doubt popular in any high-end restaurant or hotel at reasonable prices. To be fair, the quality of pizza and pasta here cannot be compared with that in your homeland or other bigger cities where they have been served for decades. However, they stil have their own charm with basic recipes like Capricciosa, Seafood Bianco, Hawaiian, etc. Read more: Vietnam tours
Although Ha Long Sea does not have salmon, salmon dishes like baked salmon with creamy sauce or baked salmon with butter and garlic, are always available to contribute on the diverse list of Western cuisine here. Additionally, main dishes would be perfect with rosemary baked chicken with olive oil, herbal leaves, and garlic, or steak with fried vegetables and potato, or chicken thigh fillets with marinara sauce.
The last element for a perfect meal is desserts. High-end restaurants in Ha Long always have on their menu your familiar dessert: ice-creams, tiramisu, fiottore, and gateaux.

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 9, 2014

Travel to Ben Tre

Travel to Ben Tre
Travel to Ben Tre
Ben Tre, the capital of the same-named province, is made up of three main islands wedged between the Tien Giang River to the north and to Co Chien River to the south with the Ham Luong River running straight down the centre. All are effectively offshoots of the Mekong River cruise as it splits out into many fingers before spilling out into the South China Sea. 

Famous for its coconut desserts, the province is suitably covered in coconut trees. During the war these coconut trees were used to make coconut oil which was then used as a valuable substitute for kerosene. Verdant and flat, the province is mostly given over to rice and fruit cultivation, though being an island province, fishing is another mainstay of the local economy. Traditional Mekong life is the norm here and it's a very unadulterated scene -- wandering the market, sipping the coffee, doing a boat trip and skipping through the local museum are the main pastimes. Read more: Travel to Vietnam

As far as exploring the Delta is concerned, Ben Tre is a dead-end province. Once you've experienced all the province has to offer, unless you have your own transport, you'll need to turn around and head back through My Tho to get any further into the Delta. Read more: Treasure junk Halong

This isn't to suggest Ben Tre isn't worth visiting -- it is. For starters you can do boat trips from here for less than at My Tho and, with its large network of minor canals, there's a lot of scope for riverine exploration. There's also a small museum and a pleasing riverfront worth investigating.

First things first -- Ben Tre town is clean -- it's as if somewhere between the bridge to My Tho and downtown you pass through a cleanliness vortex -- the roads are spotless, the pavements are tiled and smooth and there's little refuse -- even in the market.

If you're on a budget, Ben Tre is a far better base than My Tho -- it's a pleasant enough place, with a small town charm, that makes it an allround reasonable spot for those with enough time on their hands to dawdle slowly through the Delta. 

If you do have your own transport, Ben Tre is a good one for just hoping on the bike and going for a ride. Grand and flat with plenty of rice fields to go around, this is a very beautiful pocket of the Delta. Even by Mekong Delta standards, Ben Tre stands out for its verdant beauty, with rice cultivation going on all over the place. From Ben Tre town, cross the river and head east and - just - keep - going. The further you go the prettier it gets and the roads are pretty good and little trafficked. While you'll need a motorbike to get far, even the immediate surrounds are worth exploring by bicycle. The Oasis hires bicycles by the day and the Hung Vuong rents motorbikes should you need your own transport.

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 9, 2014

Đặc điểm của điều hòa âm trần Panasonic

Đối với các loại dieu hoa dành cho công trình , văn phòng nhà ở….thì điều hòa âm trần Panasonic luôn là sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo nhất về cả chất lượng lẫn kiểu dáng. Cùng tìm hiểu kỹ hơn về những điều làm nên thương hiệu của Panasonic.

- Mặt trang trí vuông 950mm nhỏ gọn tinh tế phù hợp với tất cả các địa hình.
- Chức năng định thời gian chọn tuần
- Chế độ khử mùi
- Chức năng Economy( tiết kiệm điện)
- Khởi động lại ngẫu nhiên
- Chức năng auto fan ( quạt tự động)
- Chức năng khử ẩm ( Dry)
Không chỉ dừng lại ở đó, dieu hoa am tran còn hoàn hảo hơn với những chức năng
Đặc điểm của điều hòa âm trần Panasonic
Đặc điểm của điều hòa âm trần Panasonic

- Tự kiểm tra lỗi
- Tấm lọc Super alleru-buster
- Chọn cảm biến nhiệt độ chính(Đối với điều khiển có dây)
- Hoạt động ở môi trường thấp ( dòng 2 chiều): máy có thể hoạt động ở môi trường nhiệt độ cực thấp,lý tưởng cho việc làm lạnh trong mùa đông.
- Quản lý khởi động chiều nóng ( 2 chiều)
- Chức năng sưởi ấm làm lạnh tự động.
Ba kiểu chỉnh hướng gió của dieu hoa am tran panasonic cũng nâng cao mức độ thoải mái.
Lắp đặt dễ dàng linh hoạt, có thể nâng cao 750mm so với đáy máy đơn giản bằng cách dùng co nối. Giúp đi đường ống thêm dễ dàng tinh tế khi chọn vị trí lắp đặt khổi trong nhà.
Bảo trì 3 tháng 1 lần để đạt mức độ thoải mái tối ưu. Nhà phân phối số 1 máy dieu hoa Panasonic | điều hòa Daikin | LG | dieu hoa Funiki | Gree tại Việt Nam

Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 9, 2014

Can Tho travel guide

The Delta's Can Tho province sprawls westwards from the eponymous provincial capital along the southern bank of the Bassac (Hau) River -- the larger of the two branches of the Mekong River. Bordered to the west by An Giang and Tien Giang provinces, to the south by Hau Giang and to the north, on the other side of the river, by Vinh Long and Dong Thap, Can Tho province is one of the most popular Delta destinations among travellers and tourists alike. Mekong delta trips

The province is actually a municipality which was given provincial status when it was carved out of the larger original province (also called Can Tho) in 2004. The remainder forms the new province of Hau Giang which lies to the south. This elevated status reflects Can Tho's importance in the region, both as a trading and transportation hub and as home to the Delta's largest city. Travel to Vietnam

Can Tho travel guide
Can Tho travel guide

The Delta is often refered to as Vietnam's rice basket, and Can Tho province, with its tremendously fertile soil is one of the largest producers in the region. Aside from rice, it also grows masses of fruit from its many orchards and farms and it's these goods which tourists flock to see in the floating markets dotted around the capital. Read more: Song Xanh cruise

Crisscrossed by a tremendous array of tributaries and canals feeding water-borne traffic into the Bassac River, the sheer volume and incredible variety of boats and ships never fails to amaze and a trip along the backwaters can be a fascinating insight into the rural way of life in this beautiful province.

Home to over a million people, Can Tho City is the logical hub for anyone planning on exploring the province. With a wealth of hotels and guesthouses, a very well developed and affordable tourism infrastructure, a healthy supply of eateries and a selection of interesting floating markets within easy reach, it really is difficult to fault -- if you've got time for just one destination in the Delta, this is where you should be heading.

The main reason visitors come to Can Tho is to tour the nearby floating markets. While these are highly recommended, the riverfront promenade itself is also pleasant with some good places to eat and relax in. The city has a good range of accommodation from cheap backpacker haunts right through to comfortable mid-range digs and its urbane atmosphere contrasts to the more rural feel of the towns further out in the Delta.

While the majority of people opt to visit Can Tho as a part of a tour from Saigon, unless you are really short of time this is a poor choice. Spend a night or two in Can Tho, see the floating markets independently and enjoy the riverside setting -- you'll thank yourself later.

Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 9, 2014

Image Cruise Halong 2D - 1N

Image Cruise Halong is the result of a subtle combination between the quintessential definition of traditional shipbuilding and modern western comfort. The Cruise has 9 luxury rooms; each room is fully equipped with contemporary amenities and sophisticated traditional oriental style decorations. 

The journey with Image Cruise will take you to many beautiful sites of Halong Bay. And Luon Cave – situated on Bo Hon Island is one of the most attractive destinations. Appear out of a fairy tale scene, this is where the cliffs stretch vertically out of the pure blue ocean. Rowing boat or kayaking here will bring the most astonishing and unforgettable memories to you and your travel partners. Read more: Alova Gold cruise halong
Calypso Cruise halong
Image Cruise Halong 2D - 1N
Image Cruise Halong 2D - 1N

Day 1: Hanoi - Halong (-/L/D)

12:00 – 12:30: Check in on board, at Ha Long Wharf. Enjoy a Welcome drink.
13:00-15:30: Have a Vietnamese lunch as Image Ha Long Cruise heads to
Da Chong islet, passing by areas of Vung Dai, Ba Cua, Cay Tao, Con Vit islet.
15:30 – 17:00: Visit Suprise cave. Then having swimming by Titov beach.
17:00-19:00: Image Ha Long Cruise through the Bay to its overnight anchorage near Ho Dong Tien or Trong Cave.
19:00: Have a dinner on board
21:00: Retire to your cabin or join the fishing program.
Accommodation: Image Halong Cruise.

Day 2: Halong - Hanoi (B/L/-)

6:30: Wake up
7:00: Have a breakfast
7:45: Transfer to a small bamboo to visit Luon Cave
8h30: Back to the boat and continues cruising. Pass by Hoa Cuong area, Fingers Islet, Ga Choi islet, Lu Huong islet, Ba Hang area, Dog islet.
10h45: Lunch is serverd.
11h30: Check out then disembark. Transfer back to your hotel in Hanoi.
Cruise and program ends.
16:00: End of service.

Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 8, 2014

Thói quen sử dụng điều hòa

Bạn có biết không khí trong phòng sử dụng dieu hoa có thể ô nhiễm hơn không khí bên ngoài gấp 2-5 lần? Nếu không sử dụng đúng cách, máy điều hòa có thể vừa tiêu tốn điện năng, vừa ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe.

Hãy cùng điểm qua 3 thói quen không tốt cho sức khỏe khi sử dụng máy điều hòa và cách khắc phục.

Thói quen 1: Đóng chặt cửa khi sử dụng máy điều hòa

3 thói quen sử dụng máy điều hòa âm trần không tốt cho sức khỏe
Không khí trong phòng kín có thể trở nên độc hại gấp 2-5 lần không khí ngoài trời, vì vậy bạn nên ưu tiên lựa chọn những sản phẩm  máy lạnh có chức năng lọc khí.

Chuyên gia điện lạnh Lê Ngọc Tâm lưu ý, không khí trong phòng kín có thể ô nhiễm hơn không khí bên ngoài gấp 2-5 lần! “Vì vậy, tuy bạn vẫn nên hạn chế đóng mở cửa phòng để hơi lạnh không thất thoát, nhưng đừng nên để không khí trong phòng trở nên quá bí, gây hại cho sức khỏe.” Ông Tâm khuyên, “Khoảng 15-30 phút, bạn nên mở cửa phòng để căn phòng được “thở”, thay không khí mới cho căn phòng. Khi mua máy điều hòa, bạn nên chọn những dòng máy điều hòa thế hệ mới, trang bị thêm các chức năng lọc khí và diệt khuẩn cho không khí.”
Thói quen sử dụng điều hòa
Thói quen sử dụng điều hòa

Thói quen 2: Tắt máy điều hòa tủ đứng khi phòng đã đủ độ lạnh

Để tiết kiệm điện, nhiều người có thói quen khi phòng đã đủ lạnh thì lập tức tắt máy điều hòa, và bật lại khi nhiệt độ phòng tăng lên! Có trường hợp chỉ bật máy lạnh 15 phút, phòng hơi lạnh một chút thì tắt, 15 phút sau bật lại.

3 thói quen sử dụng máy điều hòa không tốt cho sức khỏe
Máy điều hòa Samsung thế hệ mới hỗ trợ điều chỉnh nhiệt độ bằng Smartphone với tính năng Smart Wifi, giúp bạn duy trì nhiệt độ phòng ở mức lý tưởng

“Thực tế, đây là một sai lầm kiểu “tính già hóa non”, vì khi khởi động lại, máy điều hòa “ngốn” rất nhiều điện năng. Thay đổi trạng thái nóng-lạnh liên tục cũng làm cơ thể bạn khó chịu. Cách hợp lý nhất là nên duy trì nhiệt độ phòng ở mức ổn định, chứ không nên tắt hẳn máy điều hòa. Chênh lệch nhiệt độ lý tưởng giữa nhiệt độ phòng điều hòa và nhiệt độ bên ngoài là khoảng 7 độ C”, chuyên gia điện lạnh Lê Ngọc Tâm cho biết.

Thói quen 3: Không tận dụng được hết tính năng máy điều hòa thế hệ mới
Nhiều gia đình đầu tư tiền để đổi máy điều hòa thế hệ mới, nhưng lại không khai thác hết những tính năng của máy. Máy điều hòa thế hệ mới với thiết kế tam diện mang đến nhiều lợi ích vượt trội cho sức khỏe, đồng thời  có khả năng làm mát vượt trội và tiết kiệm điện năng so với điều hòa truyền thống

3 thói quen sử dụng máy điều hòa không tốt cho sức khỏe
Tận dụng triệt để những tính năng của điều hòa thế hệ mới, bạn có thể vừa sử dụng điều hòa hiệu quả vừa bảo đảm sức khỏe

Những dòng sản phẩm điều hòa thế hệ mới trên thị trường còn có những tính năng cải tiến khác dành cho những nhu cầu sử dụng khác nhau. Ví dụ như dòng máy điều hòa Samsung thế hệ mới có chế độ làm mát dễ chịu Comfort Cool giúp không khí tỏa ra khắp phòng và tính năng lọc không khí Virus Doctor rất phù hợp cho gia đình có trẻ nhỏ. Tận dụng hết những tính năng của máy điều hòa thế hệ mới, bạn vừa có thể tiết kiệm điện, vừa bảo đảm sức khỏe của cả gia đình trong mùa nóng.

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 8, 2014

Halong Indochina Sails cruise

Indochina Sails cruise Halong 1 & 2 were both launched in 2007. Each comprises 15 cabins (Superior and Deluxe Cabins). The deluxe cabins are are a bit larger and feature rainfall showers and are all situated on the second decks of the boats. Indochina Sails 3 launched in late 2008, also features ceramic artworks handcrafted in Bat Trang, well known as the home of the country’s most talented ceramic craftsmen. All of our boats are decorated with silk from Van Phuc, the “Silk Village”. Being inspired by classical Eastern junks in 13th-14th century, three cruises under Indochina Sail Cruise line have a same theme of wood and silk. The exterior design makes the cruises look like traditional junks sailing in Halong Bay in 13th-14th century and they are made of an extremely rare aromatic wood named gỗ hương. Read more: Halong Violet cruise, Paradise cruise Halong
Indochina Sails cruise Halong bay
Indochina Sails cruise Halong bay
Cancellation Policy

In case the customer cancels the cruise for certain days/hours before check-in, he or she will have to pay cancellation charge (calculated as percentage of price of cancelled cabins). The cancellation time is the time Visit Wonders receives your notice.
Facilities accommodating room for big group or an aniversary party. Indochina Sails owns the most modern and luxury bedrooms among the cruise service providers in Halong Bay tours. All the rooms are furnished in a traditional way, getting the best out of natural materials which gives not only the impressive color but also a special perfume that represents the high class and the unique character of Indochina Sails.
- Restaurants and Bar
- Kayaking service (upon request) - A/C cabins with en-suite bathrooms - First aid kits & doctor o­n-call - Luggage storage - Emergency Tender boat - Major credit cards accepted - Conference and Meeting Equipment - Safety box at the reception - IDD at the reception - Security around the clock
2D-1N High season 2014 (Jan-Apr, Oct -Dec) Promotion deal 2014 (May-Sept)
CRUISE CABIN Rate/person Single Supp Child (5-11) Rate/person Single Supp Child (5-12)
Superior $187 $123 $121 $166 $107 $100
Deluxe $219 $139 $121 $190 $120 $100
Suite $238 $169 $121 $219 $139 $100
Presidential Suite $318 $227 $121 $249 $179 $100
3D-2N High season 2014 (Jan-Apr,Oct-Dec) Promotion deal 2014 (May-Sept)
CRUISE CABIN Rate/person Single Supp Child (5-11) Rate/person Single Supp Child (5-12)
Superior $345 $257 $189 $302 $193 $168
Deluxe $361 $263 $189 $313 $528 $168
Suite $407 $281 $189 $361 $236 $168
Predential suite $455 $362 $189 $393 $289 $168
Summer deal (June, July 2014): Off 15$/cabin 2D1N & 20$/cabin 3D2N (please contact us for specific dates available) Additional surcharge on 30 Jan (Lunar New Year’s Eve), 24 & 31 Dec: $44/adult & $16/child